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Our Programs

Certificate Programs

The Institute offers certificate programs in areas where competency gaps have been identified in the policy and planning environment. The 12-month programs are organized in three semesters comprising two semesters of coursework and one semester of empirical research. The taught courses are delivered online while the research component is conducted in-person on campus. These programs are delivered at postgraduate level to prepare students for both doctoral studies and the labour market.

Certificate in Population Health Sciences

The Institute is currently running a 12-month certificate program in population health sciences to enable students explore areas in epidemiology, bio-statistics, economic evaluation, decision modelling and disease modelling. This will prepare students to explore careers in fields including public health, epidemiology, biostatistics, healthcare management, health economics and policy. This program is targeted in part to address the ominous lack of database for health sector development planning by enabling the development of viable baseline health systems coverage and outcomes data to inform National/State Strategic Health Development Plan (N/SSHDP) and to support development of harmonized strategic database on programs and health interventions, their evaluations and outcomes.

Certificate in Public Policy Analysis

This 12-month certificate program aims to build skills in applied microeconomic analysis and microeconometrics, and develop robust microlevel data infrastructure to support the public, government and other stakeholders in policy development and impact evaluation. The programs aim to achieve these objectives through rigorous course work in microeconomics, mathematics and statistics, and supporting students to conduct surveys and research in applied microeconomics fields including labour economics, population economics, health economics, industrial organization, public economics and environmental economics.

Certificate in Actuarial Mathematics

The 12-month certificate in actuarial mathematics program fosters capabilities in actuarial modelling and analysis to support pricing, valuation and sound management in the insurance and pensions industry. The insurance market in Nigeria is currently nascent and in a phase of significant growth through expansion of mandatory social health insurance schemes and occupational pension funds. There is a pressing need to develop substantial technical capacity to support the initiatives especially the social health insurance schemes.

Certificate in Modelling and Computational Science

The Institute is currently running a 12-month certificate program with the aim to bridge existing gaps in data analysis, mathematical modelling and scientific computing and train students on hands-on projects and experimenting with data, equations, modelling, computing and algorithms in addressing local issues and challenge of data communication. Our hope is to expose our students to fundamental research problems in these fields.

Internship & Empowerment

Graduate Internship

The Institute offers short-term internship programs aimed to prepare graduate interns responsibly for careers in research and development through rigorous learning and doing complimented by personalized training and supervision. The program commenced in 2019/2020 with 20 graduate trainees, all of whom are now placed in renowned organizations and postgraduate programs in Europe and North America. Trainees are exposed to concepts, methods, tools and data in various areas of economy and society, and are mentored in the process of writing and documentation.

Employability, Entrepreneurship and Empowerment (3Es)

This 3-month (12-weeek) online program aims to prepare graduates of universities and technical and vocational education training institutions for the labour market and postgraduate studies through capacity building in writing and communications, data analysis and business intelligence, entrepreneurship development and workplace digital skills. The entrepreneurship modules aim to equip intending entrepreneurs with business intelligence gathering and data analysis skills, and empower them to make persuasive and successful enterprise financing applications.